Paleo Meals for a Day: Week 2


Paleo Meals for a Day: Week 2

Today was a good day. Busy, kid-stressful, but good. Weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside. Quinn just got a new balance bike and is crazy about it. She practiced riding for over an hour today! Our neighbor came out to talk and said to Quinn: “Do you ever get going real fast and pick your feet up?” Well, that did it. She practiced until she got it. Fell a couple of times and got right back up. She is her father’s daughter! Her mother promptly went on amazon and ordered her a toddler helmet.

– Eggs cooked in coconut oil
Paleo Blackberry Banana Muffins

Slow Cooker Meal
Paleo Honey Ginger Chicken

Paleo Beef Kielbasa with Peppers and Onions
– Dark chocolate and Paleo Maple Candied Nuts for dessert!

– Boiled eggs
– Lara bars
– Nuts and dried fruit
– Raw carrots