
Bring Your Kids!

Bring Your Kids! Do any of these thoughts resonate with you? I would LOVE to do a class with my toddler and meet other moms…something active, and maybe a little yoga too. My child is struggling with regulation/attention issues…help! I really want my child to learn a little more self-confidence and strength… My child is…


Everyday Naturopathy

Everyday Naturopathy My knowledge and use of naturopathic remedies is evolving. I’m fairly new to it, and endlessly fascinated. It makes sense, of course, that these natural resources would be able to heal our wounds, alleviate our pain, and cure our diseases. But after decades of using conventional medicine, of not even considering alternatives, of…


Functional Fitness My Way

  Functional Fitness My Way Ok so anyone that knows me knows that I’m not a naturally competitive person, or the “do or die” personality type. When I was a child my brother would get so frustrated by my lack of drive when it came to sports that he would pummel me with a tennis…


A Paleo Kitchen…where to begin?

  A Paleo Kitchen…where to begin? Starting a new way of eating is challenging, exciting, and a little overwhelming. You’ve spent years eating a certain way, or maybe bouncing from one diet to another, and the thought of making more changes makes you a little nauseous.  Maybe if you just switch out a couple of…


44 Ways to Help Our Planet

44 Ways to Help Our Planet In honor of the 44th Earth Day this week, I thought it might be helpful to some to write a post about simple ways to conserve, recycle and restore. It seems that sometimes people feel overwhelmed by the “going green” concept and don’t know where to begin. Here are…


21 Clean and Easy Veggie Recipes (Paleo-Friendly)

21 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Veggie Recipes Why the number 21? Dunno. It’s arbitrary. But these recipes are not! We often get asked for simple vegetable recipes: things that are quick, easy, and delicious. I am a firm believer that food should be delicious and healthy at the same time. And it is my mission to share this…


To Om or not to Om

To Om or not to Om You walk into your first yoga class, a little apprehensive, a little intimidated by the other – probably more flexible – students sitting quietly on their mats, eerily at peace. You sit on your mat wondering what you’re supposed to be doing, and decide to cross your legs and…


21 Healthy (and Japheth-approved) Snack Ideas!

21 Healthy (and Japheth-approved) Snack Ideas! Snacks can be challenging when you’re gluten-free, paleo, battling newly discovered food allergies, and/or busy. I am a snacker myself, and my daughter eats constantly, so having healthy and easy foods around the house is a necessity. Crunchy, sweet, savory, we love them all! Here are 21 ideas that…


Paleo? No, I love bread too much.

Paleo? No, I love bread too much. Going paleo was difficult for me. I loved bread. And pasta. And cereal. And you get the picture. I was one of those people who responded to the mere idea of a grain-free diet with “No, I like bread too much.” Can any of you relate? And I…


Homemade Bone Broth…really?

Homemade Bone Broth…really? Let me tell you about my latest endeavor. Making my own bone broth. I’ve read about the health benefits and have been curious, but I don’t do well with bones. As a child my parents never gave me meat on a bone. Seriously. It was always boneless meat. Even when we went…